Tuesday, January 12, 2010

NEW RELEASES - Robert Deyber

Martin Lawrence is pleased to present a selection of new unique paintings by Robert Deyber. The artist's solo exhibition Any Port In A Storm featuring new paintings and lithographs willl open on Friday, February 12 with a reception at the gallery from 7-9pm.
Robert Deyber's artwork is full is surprises. Every canvas revels in the artist's piquant sense of humour, each painting a visual rendering of a cerebral turn on common phrase. Despite his offbeat sense of fun, however, Deyber is a seriously skilled painter. Endlessly intrigued by visual imaginings that reside in the surreal realm between reality and fantasy, he is clearly able to render them brilliantly. The artwork is highly narrative in naturte, conveying an almost dreamlike quality to the bemused viewer.
Join us for an evening of witty fun as we introduce you to his latest original works on canvas and hand-crafted lithographs. We are certain you will think, smile and want to acquire from this brilliant new collection.
RSVP to soho@martinlawrence.com or call us on 1.212.995.8865

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